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Chantal N. Mihm, Psy.D.

Dr. Mihm is a licensed psychologist specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) including the trauma-focused and evidence based practices of Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Her focus is post-traumatic stress related disorders (PTSD), depression, insomnia, and anxiety disorders including social and specific phobias, generalized anxiety, and panic.
Dr. Mihm completed her internship at Spokane Mental Health Center in Washington State working with general mental health issues including domestic violence, grief/loss, and suicide prevention. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern University before accepting a position with the VA Hospital in Palo Alto, CA where she worked as an Attending on a 24-bed, psychiatric inpatient unit. She also served as Clinical Affiliated Instructor with Stanford University supervising medical students, psychiatric residents, and psychology graduate students.
In 2006, Dr. Mihm returned to her Maine roots and was hired by the VA Maine Health Care System as the Team Leader of the PTSD Program and PTSD Clinical Team (PCT). In addition to her clinical duties, Dr. Mihm served as Chair of the Disruptive Behavior Committee and Employee Threat Assessment Team and supervised medical students, psychiatric residents, and psychology graduate students. Dr. Mihm has presented throughout the medical and law enforcement communities on issues related to PTSD.